Here's a look at how the Campaign Morale works.
12.7 After Each Battle
After each Battle you will have been a success or a failure.
Let's see how your success or failure affects the Campaign Morales of all
factions that were involved in the Encounter.
Here's how we do it:
Consult the Campaign Morale Effects Table.
Each side starts with 2d6.
If they clearly won the battle, they will add
Each side rolls their modified total d6 versus
their current respective Campaign Morale.
Any score of a "6" is always a failure.
Determine how many d6 each side passed.
Go down the Left-hand column to the appropriate
row and across to see the results.
Immediately make the necessary adjustments.
12.7 Campaign Morale Effects
Campaign Morale
(Taken versus Campaign
A result of "6"
is always a failure
Last Encounter was a success
# d6
2 or more than
Your Morale increased by one.
Enemy Morale reduced by one.
1 more than
Enemy Morale reduced by one.
Same number as
No changes to you or the enemy.
1 less than
Your Morale reduced by one.
2 or more less
than opponent
Enemy Morale increased by one.
Your Morale reduced by one.
Example – I am playing the French and have won the battle. I roll 3d6
versus my current Campaign Morale of 5 and score a 4, 6 and 6! This means I
passed 1d6.
The British roll 2d6 versus their Campaign Morale of 3 and score a 1
and 2. This means they passed 2d6.
Looking on the Campaign Morale Effects Table, under “1 less than
opponent” I see that my morale goes down 1 point to 4. The British were
extremely lucky!