Wednesday, 1 April 2020

5150 Fighter Pilot Step by Step Bat Rep.

Don't you just like spending most of the game measuring how far you move on that 4' x 6' table, then taking out the cool Turning Radius template to measure your turns. Then cheeking to see if you are in the arc of fire to hit the enemy. After about 20 minutes you line up a shot and... miss!
Back to measuring...well, you get it. Here's 5150 Fighter Pilot, an option that may be of interest to you.

Total play time was 10 minutes The game also has a Campaign System and ways to track your progress as a Fighter Pilot. So in the amount of time you used to play one game you can go on 4 to 6 Missions.

You can order 5150 Fighter Pilot and other THW Board Games soon. Here's a sample of what they look like. Contact me directly at for more info.


  1. Would it work if you lifted the stats directly out of a 5150 No Limits game? If so it would make ship battles more fun for sure.

    1. It would work okay except there wouldn't be any Boarding as Fighters Run for It or blow up. But you could make it work. Just weak it to fit what you think will happen. You could actually add the fighters to No Limits and use those rules when fighting ship to fighter combat, then back to Fighter Pilot for fighter to fighter combat.

    2. Yep. Thats reasonable. Thanks!

  2. Awesome! Thanks for the writeup. I am definitely looking forwards to this (the second of the my 4 games from the kickstarter).

    1. Which other two games did you get, if you don't mind my asking? I was impressed by the variety of genres on offer from the Kickstarter.

    2. It was all based on current personal interest. Could have easily gone for all 10 as they are all very interesting but budget constraints and reality of time I have to dedicate to play meant I went with one I *know* I will play over the next couple of years. The other two were 5150 Back Alley Bright Lights and Aces Up. I have promised myself to play the rules as is and no change them as much as I tend to do (or at least not for awhile...)

  3. Will be they available as PDF buy?

    1. Yes they will. Have 4 of the games signed off on for print. The PDFs will match the print versions.
