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Smoother way to play the games. Better then rolling for Activation each turn!
If you’ve played THW games before, this is a little
Play on a 3x3 foot table.
Divide it into 3 rows of 1-foot squares.
The player Band, group, unit, etc. starts in section 7, 8,
or 9 – you choose.
Roll 1d6 for each PEF and place it in the appropriate
section, 1 to 6.
After the player Band and PEFs have been placed its time to
start the game.
The player Band moves first.
If an in Sight occurs it’s time for Action (page
If no In Sights (page ##) occur the PEFs will
move as previously outlined (page ##).
If an In Sight occurs it’s time for Action (page
If no In Sights (page ##) occur it’s the players
turn to move again.
Alternate moving as needed.
Example – I place my
Band in section 7. I roll for the PEFs, and they are placed in section 1, 2,
and 5. The game can now start.
I move my Band towards
section 4 and terrain blocks me from seeing any PEFs. No In Sight so the PEFs
now move.
The closest one is in
section 5. I roll 2d6 versus the PEF Rep of 4 and score a 5 and 6. Passing 0d6
the PEF remains in place.
Next PEF can now move.
I roll 2d6 for the PEF in section 1 and score a 3 and 2. Passing 2d6 the PEF
moves directly towards my Band and Into Sight. I remove the PEF marker, resolve
it (page ##) as Soldiers and there is a Fight. I follow the Turn Sequence and
after the Fight is over it’s time for the 3rd PEF to move.
It passes 0d6 on the
PEF Movement Table so remains in place, out of sight. My Band has moved, the
PEFs have moved so I repeat the process.
My turn to move.
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