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Saturday, 19 June 2021
Sunday, 6 June 2021
Warrior Heroes Adventures Bat Rep to Deck or Not to Deck
Here's a Bat Rep for Dungeon Crawling in Adventures one of fourteen different Encounters. You can do a Dungeon Crawl with a regular deck of cards. Here's how we do it:
Choose or roll for the Big Bad - who owns the Dungeon.
Roll for the Encounter Rating (ER) of the Dungeon - chance of running into something. Draw twice as many cards as the ER. In this case I draw six and draw the first. It's the entrance and is a red 3 - I look it up and it's nothing. I draw a black 6, I roll dice and look it up and it's a PEF resolved as two skeletons.
I beat then and draw another card. Red Face card. I look it up and it's a stairwell going down. When you go down you draw more cards roll dice and look it up. Now let's try something different.
I get the Dungeon Deck. This has all the info on it PLUS when new dungoen adventures come out you can add the extra cards and no need to buy a whole new deck. So you get 18 new cards - Big Bad, Minions and Lowlifes thatgwork wiht the existing deck for a few bucks.
I draw six cards. Flip the entrance and it says Nothing on the card. Flip the next and it says Randomn Event - tyurns out to be a stairwell going down so I place it and draw six mnore cards. Keep going and draw a Lowlifes Card - No looking it up as it says it on the card. The deck makes it so much faster to play.