Wednesday, 27 November 2019

We're Back! Turkey Shoot - 2019 Freebie!

It was Thanksgiving and Mordecai was told to "go get a turkey; seemed simple enough.
Follow the trail! 

Black Friday BOGO 

Black Friday Count Down! Less then 48 Hours. Free games!!!!

"Hey! What if I want to buy a bundle like NUTS and NUTS Compendium? Do I have to buy two?"

Nope! Buy a bundle and we credit you the amount of the cheaper book in the bundle, percentage wise. 

Tick, tick, tick... Christmas comes early for THW gamers!

Monday, 18 November 2019

Last Day for Kickstarter - Bigger Game Stretch Goal Guaranteed for all!


Last day of the Kickstarter. Cut a deal with the printer so everyone now gets the Bigger Games!

Friday, 15 November 2019

Last Three Days of Kickstarter

Only three days left on the 10 game Kickstarter. Just a few pledges away from unlocking the Bigger Games Stretch Goal! 

Monday, 11 November 2019

You get a Stretch Goal! And you get a Stretch Goal! And you...

Already funded and only a few pledges away from our Bigger Games Stretch Goal!

On our Kickstarter. Everyone regardless of pledge will get the larger game Stretch Goal if we hit or exceed $6000! Tried to update the rewards after launch, but I couldn't. We're almost there!


Friday, 8 November 2019

Talomir Tales - Caravanserai Coming Later this Month

Haldor seemed to have worn out his welcome in Demeskeen. Or at least in his mind he had and that was good enough. He surveyed the tavern. Kurinthian Warriors, Barylistani Caravan Guards, Demeskeen Army and he swore that little lady in the corner was a Wererat. Well, not right now of course. Not in public, but get her alone and who could say.
“Yes, it’s time to go. I wonder what Brigana is like this time of year?”

Talomir Tales - Caravanserai lets you travel the fantasy world of Talomir as a Caravan Guard. Or maybe you want to lead a Caravan getting paid well for your services. Or maybe you just want to join a Caravan for protection, opportunity or adventure. 

Caravanserai contains the Talomir Tales Core Rules as well as 16 linked Encounters.
Look for it later this month.

Wednesday, 6 November 2019

Stretch Goals Corrected and Lowered! Article on Kickstarter

 When I dropped the funding goal on the Kickstarter to $3,000 at the last minute before launch I forgot to adjust the Stretch Goals. Much better, check them out!

Here's a nice article on  the Kickstarter. 

10 Game Kickstarter

Monday, 4 November 2019

Kickstarter now Print n Play Too! Save $$

One of our Euro-friends asked about offering a Print n Play version on the Kickstarter where you can print your own games. It's cheaper and saves on postage. Check it out