Saturday, 29 September 2018

The Big I - #2 Chillin'

Spence and Bee successfully interacted with another Survivor and told them about a club off of Academy near the old Starbucks and Whole Foods. The old Sushi place. Anyway, there would be only 3 PEFs to be resolved. I decided I'd use the Night Club Battle Board. It's not included in The Big I, but is one of the Boards that can be purchased. What's nice about them is they can also be used with 5150: No Limits, our Sci Fi rules, as well.

In ATZ - Evolution you roll to see what you have met. I decided that I would place the Characters in the club based on the numbers that could be generated by the scenario. This gave me three Militia, two Survivors and a Sheeple. I placed them in a logical way - bartender and other Characters about the club.

As Spence and Bee could only resolve 3 PEFs I would have to pick and choose who to deal with. First I went with the bartender.
FYI - I use Power Point for my games when I don't want to use minis.
Take the images of the counters and wash out the back.
Use the Battle Boards as images, pulling them from the PDF.

Another thing you can do with Character generation with ATZ - Evo. Instead of using the quicker way of generating Characters, going down the List from top to bottom, you can roll for them using the same List. I did  and scored a "5".  The bartender was Rep 4 People 3 Savvy 2. Here was a good opportunity to interact!

Well, being consistent, bad luck Spence passed 1d6 and the bartender passed 2d6. Interacting with Militia and passing less d6 means the bartender wants Spence and Bee to turn over their weapons. In this situation, I figured that was club policy and they would get their weapons back when they left. Taking it a step farther, I decided all NPCs in the club would be unarmed as well.

Well that left the Militia in the corner, a Sheeple and two Survivors. I decided to resolve the Survivors, but Bee would do the talking. The two took their drinks and sat at the table next to them.
One was a Rep 4 People 4 Savvy 3 and the other Rep 3 People 2 and Savvy 3. The Rep 4, as it has the higher Rep, is the Leader. Bee passed 1d6 and so did the Survivor so he pretty much ignored Bee. Two PEFs down and one to go.

This is where I decided to use the rules as they were intended to be used, and my guess, often not used. Spence would do some gambling while Bee would interact with the Sheeple. There were 5 potential NPCs to gamble with so I rolled to see how many would gamble and scored a 4. Including Spence there'd be five gamblers. My plan for Bee went south, what's new, as the Sheeple wanted to play. As gambling is done versus Savvy, this could be fun for Spence as he has a Savvy of 5.

 Rolling for the players I generated.

Survivor  Rep 4 Savvy 3.
Sheeple Rep 3 Savvy 3
Militia Leader Rep 5 Savvy 4
Militia Grunt Rep 4 Savvy 4

But before I play the game, something fell into my lap. The other Survivor Rep 3 People 2 was now alone across from Bee. 3rd PEF and time to interact!
1st round - Bee passes 1d6, the Survivor 0d6. Bee gains 1 Increasing Rep d6. This also let's Bee attempt to Further Interaction.
Bee passes 2d6, Survivor 1d6 - Success. Bee gains a 2nd Increasing Rep d6. Now how successful was Bee? I roll 1d6 and score a 5. The NPC Survivor agrees to be recruited!
I figure I'll stop here as this post has been pretty long. So far no one's been punched or shot, but it's been a great game as it is developing the Story. I couldn't have foreseen this at all and I'm liking it. Part  Two coming up in the next day or two.

Part Two

Friday, 21 September 2018

The Big I - ATZ Evo Scenario Book now available!

Two more Battle Boards and ten new Counters.
Twelve “use them as you want” Encounters to help you build your Story.
Sixteen linked Encounters that tell you what’s going on in the Big I. Each builds off the other, like scene sin a movie.
New pre-generated NPCs that you can use over and over in other Scenario Books as well as when you visit the Big I.
All this and a bit more.

Get it here!

The Big I - Part Three - 1st Encounter - Find

Another new counter in the Big I.

The Big I - released today!

Thursday, 20 September 2018

The Big I - Part Two - 1st Encounter - Find

Part One
Map of the The Big I. Our adventure starts in the Northeast area of Albuquerque. 
Our Survivors


·        Star or a Grunt? Star.
·        Reputation? 5.
·        Skills? Savvy 5, People 4.
·        Class? Survivor.
·        Weapon? BAP – 2 and SG – 3.
·        Age? Grown Up.
·        Gender? Male.


·        Star or a Grunt? Grunt.
·        Reputation? 4.
·        Skills? Savvy 4, People 3.
·        Class? Survivor.
·        Weapon? BAP – 2 and SG – 3.
·        Age? Grown Up.

·        Gender? Female.

Spence and Bee are two of the new counters in the Big I along with SWAT, Military, EMTs and Civilians.

#1 Find
You come down the Sandias and hit the outskirts of town. These Northeast houses were high end back in the day. Many are empty now. You need to find someone, a human, you can interact with that can get you hooked up with supplies and maybe a recruit or two.
To advance to the next Encounter, you must first successfully Interact (All Things Zombie – Evolution page 16) with a human NPC, then successfully Further Interact with that NPC. 

We start the 1st Encounter - Find - by going down the Sandias and into the Northeast area of ABQ.
I roll 1/2d6 and score a 1. There will only be 2 Possible Enemy Forces (PEFs) to resolve.

I roll 2d6, of different colors, to see what the 1st PEF will be. Why two different colors? Because if they double up, I have met Sheeple (ordinary people). I score double twos. Al right, Sheeple!

Rolling for how many, I score a total of 3. Here they are.

BAP – 2
P – 1 
P – 1

Spence and the Sheeple Interact.

Spence and the Sheeple Leader Interact. Sheeple that interact with non-Sheeple have a -1d6 penalty.  That means the Leader will roll 1d6 versus its People Skill of 4 while Spence rolls 2d6 versus his People Skill of  4. I feel pretty good about my chances, especially after the Leader rolls a 6! Hahahaha! I roll, for Spence and score - BOXCARS! Are you kidding me?! The Sheeple are not impressed, ignore Spence and leave.

Only one PEF left to resolve and here it goes. Roll the 2d6 to see what we've run into and it's one Rep 4 Militia man. More importantly his People Skill is 4, and he'll be using 2d6, unlike the Sheeple.
Spence and Bee meet a Militiaman, one of the two new Militia counters in the Big I.
Spence and the Militiaman Interact, Spence throwing in a little Sweet Talk  (gaining 1 Decreasing Rep d6), but this is important. Spence passes 3d6, the Militia man passes one. Now I can Further Interact with the NPC. Again Spence Sweet Talks (that's 2 Decreasing Rep d6). Both Characters pass 2d6 even though Spence rolled 3!

That ends the Encounter. But when playing the Big I, the Encounters combine, representing less than a month. So instead of limiting the players to two Encounters per month like normal. you can play all of the Encounters, more than once if directed to, and count it as one month. This also means you only cash in the Increasing and Decreasing Rep d6 once, at the end of the month - after all Encounters are done.

So night falls and Bee and Spence find a place to crash. Tomorrow, they'll go at it again.
The whole adventure only took about 10 minutes and some dice rolls. 
That was an eye opener and good example of why I  love the THW gaming system. You never know what's going to happen and where your Story will go.

Tuesday, 18 September 2018

The Big I - All Things Zombie Hits Albuquerque - Part One

Albuquerque New Mexico, home of the Big I. *

“Go West, young man.” You’ve probably heard it before, but you feel it applies even more so today. The whole East Coast is Zombie land, and not like the cool movie. You took off a few weeks ago, mostly walking, but riding whenever you could find that rare vehicle that’d stop for you. And then it always ran out of gas.

Now you’ve come into Albuquerque on Interstate 40. Weathers’ nice, not too crowded from what you can tell, looking down from the Sandia Mountains. The tram’s not working any more so it’ll be a bit to get down into the city. You wait until daylight and off you go.

 *Where I-40 and I-25 meet.

Tuesday, 11 September 2018

Check's in the mail!

Okay, not really, but my printer says he's mailing out the 16 card game samples this week!
Stay tuned!

Saturday, 8 September 2018

Forum Fixed and Good to Go!

If you're not a member you really should join. Lots of free stuff and answers to questions.


Tuesday, 4 September 2018

In Sight Test? Where have you gone? Right here! Part 2

Be sure to read Part One first to get a full understanding.

There's a Cure? Not exactly...

Download the free ATZ Tabletop and Convention Play doc here. Just scroll down to the bottom of the page.

In Sight Test? Where have you gone? Right here!

 Magic Door? Right here!

Want to play ATZ - Evolution or any THW title that uses the Action Table on the tabletop with rulers and ranges? Easy to do and perfect for running convention games. First, get the free download available here at the bottom of the page. Then read the following Bat Rep.

Monday, 3 September 2018

Pink and the Orcs go Wandering

Having taken the Job from Grug (Part One) Pink leads 4 Orcs on an Encounter trying to find the entrance to a dungeon, rumored to be nearby.

Saturday, 1 September 2018

Mooks - Can I Be a Human?

Mooks is a brilliant book that allows you to play as an Orc in a series of adventures. Well, what if you don't want to be an Orc? Jay, the author, has that covered. You can play as a human or any other Race you want because ...

the Orcs are hiring!